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Permit Decal Types & Fees

2024–25 student green (line) and perimeter decals (full year, fall and/or spring)

If you have any questions or problems please email


Graduate students

Please use the student link to order online. You will receive a temp pass after you place your order (for those already on campus).  

To order your parking pass

  • Locate and click the link for the type of pass you need below.
  • You’ll be prompted to log in to Smith’s SAML/Shibboleth login with your usual credentials.
  • Once logged in, you’ll be able to validate your email address if needed.

All undergrad student decals have sold out 

  • Graduate students: Please use the student link to order online. You will receive a temp pass after you place your order (for those already on campus). 
  • Commuters and ADA Comstock Scholars: Commuter decals can be purchased in person
  • ADA Comstock - Conway House:  Decals can be purchased in person

Please note that there are a limited number of decals available and although these dates are available for seniors, juniors and sophomores, it does not guarantee that there will be enough for all to purchase a decal.

Please note that if you are returning from abroad for spring semester and would like to have your vehicle you should order your spring only decal in the fall.  


Parking Spaces

Enforcement of parking rules and regulations is critical to both vehicular and pedestrian safety and to ensure that the beauty of the college grounds is preserved. Campus Safety and Facilities Management requests that all members of the community comply with the spirit and the letter of the regulations at all times. All parking is color-coded and applies to vehicles with current Smith College parking decals or passes. White lines apply to faculty and staff vehicles. Green lines apply to student vehicles. Orange lines apply to service vehicles and blue lines for visitors. All vehicles must display appropriate current decals or passes.

Parking in green-lined spaces is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Individual spaces are not reserved for each decal. Students whose vehicles are properly registered may park in designated student lots only 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with no exceptions. The same rules are in effect during the break period, holidays, January and summer term.

Students may not park in the Quad at any time.

Parking Registration

There are 226 green-lined spaces allocated to student parking each year. Students eligible for a Smith College parking permit decal may register a vehicle and purchase a Full Year or Semester decal online. The cost is $150 per academic year or $75 per semester with parking restricted to green-lined spaces. 

Forty perimeter parking spaces are available in the Stables Lot and on the left-hand side of Tennis Court Drive. Purchase a Perimeter decal online. The cost is $25 a year and parking is restricted to these two lots. 

The permit allows day parking only on the top level of the Smith Parking Garage in the red-lined spaces and can be purchased for $25 per year. The commuter decals can be purchased in person at the Campus Safety Parking Office. There are 10 red lined spaces on the 3rd floor, on the way up to the 4th and the entire 4th floor is for the commuter decals.  Please note; the top level is gated during a snow emergency. If the gate is closed, parking is allowed in any lot in the white-lined spaces while attending classes.

Ada Comstock students are eligible to purchase a Commuter decal as detailed below. All Ada students need to purchase their decals in person at the Campus Safety Parking Office.

44 and 54 Ada Comstock - Commuter Decal

This permit is restricted to residents of 44 and 54 Green Street only. The cost of a Ada Comstock Transient decal is $25 per year with parking limited to the top level of the Smith Parking Garage in the red-lined spaces. Overnight parking is allowed as well. During a snow emergency, parking is allowed in the white-lined spaces.  This decal is ONLY available for sale at the Campus Safety Parking Office. 

Ada Comstock Decal (Conway House)

Restricted to residents of Ada Comstock housing only and parking is limited to the Conway Lot. The cost for this decal is $25 and is valid from September 1 through August 31. This decal is ONLY available for sale at the Campus Safety Parking Office. 

Please order your decals online and select "Grad Students."     

General Information

Prohibited Parking

Parking is not permitted on interior campus roads including College Lane and Lower College Lane or in driveways, except as posted. Parking is also prohibited in the Quad from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m. There is no student parking inside the quad at any time.

Campus Speed Limit

All traffic is restricted to 15 mph, with the exception of ambulance, fire and campus safety vehicles.

Violations and Penalties

The college will issue tickets and assess fines for violations of the parking regulations. Vehicles parked in tow-away zones or in unmarked areas that impede access by service vehicles will be towed. Outstanding parking fines may make you ineligible to purchase a decal for the upcoming year.

PODS/Mobile Storage

PODS or any other type of mobile storage units are prohibited from being placed on campus grounds or in campus parking lots.  Smith College has contracted with Boomerang Movers for all of your moving needs.  Visit their site to learn about the perks they offer to make your move much easier.  


Parking appeals must be filed within seven days from the issuance of the ticket. Any appeal received after that date will be denied. Appeal your parking citation online.

If a replacement vehicle is used for a car under repair or other reason, a visitor pass must be obtained at the Campus Safety Parking Office. Should a vehicle with a Smith decal be traded or no longer in service, the old decal should be removed and returned to Campus Safety Parking. The new vehicle will be registered at no charge when the decal is returned.

Parking rules and regulations are in full effect at all times. All student vehicles must be parked in student lots. Additionally, during the winter season, vehicles left on campus must be moved to the designated snow lots in order not to interfere with snow removal operations prior to a predicted snowstorm. Vehicles that are left on campus in lots other than the designated lots during holiday periods will be towed at the owner's expense. The snow lots are: Stables lot, Pasture lot, Tennis Court Drive, Tennis Court lots and the Parking Garage on Level 1 in green-lined spaces only.

Five College students who attend day classes at Smith, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m., may choose to:

  • Park on city streets in metered or unmetered spaces. There is also a City of Northampton lot on West Street which has extended metered parking (up to 10 hours) between 6 a.m. and midnight.
  • Park on campus in visitor spaces (two-hour limit only). There are 10 spaces in the Parking Garage and six spaces in the Dickinson lot on Green Street.
  • Purchase a parking decal for $25 to park on the top level of the Smith Parking Garage.

Smith offers the opportunity for students, faculty and staff to join Zipcar for only $35 a year. You can get 24/7 access to Zipcars parked right on campus. Hourly rates include gas, insurance and reserved parking. For more details and to enroll, go to